
Senin, 07 Mei 2018

approximately one week before the menstrual period, the body will produce large amounts of estrogen and progesterone. This condition then causes a number of symptoms that make the body feel sick all, including breast pain.
In the days leading up to menstruation, the body will store a lot of water, which also causes the "swelling" in some parts of the body, including the breast. The buildup of fluid will also force the breast tissue to widen, and expand the nerves, causing pain and pain in the breast.
One way to reduce the intensity of the pain is to limit the consumption of salt. Reducing salt intake is also very influential to reduce pain. How come? Because the nature of salt that binds water can make the body store more water, so if excessive salt intake then the feeling of breast pain felt more severe.
Usually the pain and pain will decrease slowly when it entered the menstrual period. Make sure you choose the right bra to be able to support the breasts well and the pain is not getting worse.

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